
ICARUS project

The unprecedented volume, diversity and richness of aviation data that can be acquired, generated, stored, and managed provides unique capabilities for the aviation-related industries (airlines, airports, passengers, service providers, manufacturers, local authorities, etc.) and pertains value that remains to be unlocked. In fact, Big Data from airlines, airports, aircrafts, and extra-aviation service providers combined with open linked data (e.g. for weather, environment, population, etc.) have the credentials to reassess the mentality of the aviation ecosystem by early predicting critical failures and maintenance needs, optimizing flight paths, rescheduling routes at real-time, improving operational efficiency, serving a seamless ground/air passenger experience, safeguarding the environment, and monitoring safety and risk threats (like epidemics and terrorist attacks).

12 big-data and aviation providers including CELLOCK , partnered to create ICARUS in order to will build a novel data value chain in the aviation-related sectors towards data-driven innovation and collaboration across currently diversified and fragmented industry players, acting as multiplier of the “combined” data value that can be accrued, shared and traded, and rejuvenating the existing, increasingly non-linear models / processes in aviation.

For more information please visit ICARUS official website.

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